Wide range of Tax Kring services : Diagram

Tax call center ready to answer questions about taxation

Since 20 06,  Indonesian taxes have made progress in the field of services by setting up a tax call centre.   This service is called Tax Kring, which was created by presidential instruction number 03 of 2006 on the investment climate policy package.

It is undeniable that the presence of Kring Paj is very useful for people who want to ask questions about everything about taxes. Withthis service, it becomes a means of education for people who are still blind to taxes.

So far, there are still many people who have disobeyed taxes, not because they do not want to pay taxes. It’s just that they don’t understand the payment mechanism and the types of taxes they have to pay. However, with this service, people are free to ask questions.

Asking through this service is also more convenient and efficient. Since you do not have to come to the tax office  and  wait in line for a long time, only by phone you can ask about many things more personal and exclusive. Anytime and anywhere, as long as it is during working hours, then this service is reliable.

In addition to asking about taxes, a tax call center through Kring Pajak can also be used  if you have problems paying taxes. If you  still don’t know much about this service, we will explain it to you as a solution to the tax problem.

Wide range of Tax Kring services

The form of service from this tax call center is  an effort of the Directorate-General for Taxation (DGT) to make taxation in Indonesia more open and touch all levels of society. Therefore, DGT launched Tax Kring on the basis of the regulation of the Directorate-General for Taxation number PER-22 / PJ / 2014.

Since then, with the launch of the service, all areas of life can contact the tax office at 500200. This service receives questions about income levies,  value added levies,  land and building fees  , questions about tax returns and how to calculate them.

Kring Pajak provides two types of services for you. The first service is incoming, which serves for all kinds of information, complaints and communications of agents. The second service is an out-of-office service or an agent phone call to meet the client and solve tax issues.

With technological progress, you can contact tax agents not only by phone. However, it can also be online through the official website complaints.pajak.go.id, email or fax. Not onlythat, now you can even officially contact the tax agent via live chat.

  1. Online daňový kring

This official service is here to help tax services in Indonesia, as services through telephone lines alone are not enough and cannot serve all the needs of the community in the field of tax services.

Therefore, the Directorate-General for Exposition added this tax call center service  through online services. This is expected to maximize tax services in Indonesia.

To use online tax services, you need to go to the pengaduan.pajak.go.id website and create an account on it. Once you’ve successfully created your account, you can post any tax-related questions and complaints. After that,  you just have to wait for an answer from the officer.

  1. Kring Tax Live Chat

The live chat tax ring was created to make it easierfor obligated people to report their annual tax return. In addition, the service provides additional information on all matters related toofficial complaints  and any complaints.

Thanks to this service, taxation questions are becoming more and more accessible and are being asked by everyone. Tax disclosures are also becoming increasingly accessible to anyone without hesitation.

Especially for young people who like chat services, because they will be lazyto visit the tax office  if they ask only about basic things. However, these basic things are actually very important to know.

Complaints and consultations through Tax Kring

As already explained, the tax call center service can handle various types of complaints and consultation points regarding the mandatory fee for all Indonesians.  Complaints that can be made include:

  1. As for tax service facilities and infrastructure  .  This is very common, because sometimes there are facilities and infrastructure in tax services that are problematic. In fact, it interferes with your comfort.
  2. Performance of the activities of employees of the tax office. The performance of employees will certainly greatly affect the reputation of the office and the type of service. What’s more, if it is quite sensitive in the field of taxation.
  3. Violation of the Code of Ethics and crimes committed by DGT employees. The offence in question may constitute a criminal offence. For example, you are blackmailed by DGT employees.

Meanwhile, the consultations that you can  convey through the tax kring are:

  1. How to access all tax services. This often happens to ordinary people in the field of taxation and do not understand how to use all the services that have been provided.
  2. Measures of the tax administration.

Benefits of Tax Kring

This non-personal tax call center service provides depositors  with  many advantages compared to a direct face-to-face service.   This advantage is obtained because Kring Pajak has many advantages compared to direct service.

The following are the advantages that Kring Pajak has:

  1. It saves a lot of time, because you do not have to come directly to the tax office and wait in line for a long time. In addition, if you have a busy daily schedule, of course, you do not want to spend time at the tax office. Therefore, the presence of Kringa Pajak is very useful.
  2. The information is accurate because it comes from an official tax official, so all the information provided is guaranteed to be accurate.
  3. The result of calculating the amount of the fee is guaranteed to be accurate, since the calculation is carried out in accordance with the applicable rules. It is the same if you visit the tax office in person.

Kring International Tax Awards to Know

This program is one of  the  most innovative tax call center services in the  world and has a great impact on Indonesian taxation. This is certainly not just nonsense, because this service has won various awards at international events.

This DGT innovation won the Best Contact Center award, awarded by the Indonesian Association of Contact Centers in 2013. Not only that , then Kring Pajak took first place in the Top Ranking Performers Contact Center World APAC event in Singapore.

In this case, Kring Pajak was awarded as Best Customer Services -Small. Another international achievement is that this  Indonesian-owned tax call center received the Top Ranking Performers Contact Center World APAC award in Las Vegas that same year.

Also in this case, one of the teams from the tax service managed to win a silver medal. This  is very proud of Indonesia because it has a trustworthy service and is recognized by the world.

Kring Pajak, with all his service innovations, has made the Indonesian people more interested in taxes. With easy access and good service provided, surely everyone feels comfortable filing complaints and conducting consultations.

It also turned out that the tax call center service  educates the public a lot. Therefore, you no longer have to hesitate and contact Kring Pajak through all available platforms.

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